Make Customer-Centric Culture Your Competitive Advantage

Every business aspires to be ‘customer-centric' but it’s complicated. We help you bake customer-centricity into the fabric of your culture through immersive leadership alignment and team learning solutions, using The Anatomy of Marketing™ (AOM).

Leadership alignment and team training solutions tailored to your needs.

“Marketing is every decision made, in any part of a business, that affects the customer, in any way.”

– Ross Hastings, co-creator of The Anatomy of Marketing

AoM™ programs use the analogy of human anatomy to vividly articulate how the fundamentals of modern marketing connect across an entire organisation.

The curriculum for all alignment and learning programs includes a comprehensive model to show the connected system, mindset principles to embed in culture, and the methodology to turn theory into practice.

AoM™ Fundamental Model

The AoM™ Model clearly demonstrates the 7 cascading areas of decision-making and shows their interconnectedness.

This establishes a common language and shared understanding needed for a company-wide understanding of who the customer is and how we articulate and deliver value to them.

Cascading Strategy and the Anatomy Story

AoM™ Methodology

AoM’s Change Methodology transforms the foundational Model into actionable steps, starting with an expanded view that facilitates aligned diagnosis. This process naturally progresses to prioritising actions based on the company's specific objectives.

Supporting the AoM™ Methodology is a suite of evidence-based frameworks, worksheets, and practices, all connected by a design system that uses standardised language and a seamless colour-coded user experience. No more time wasted trying to find the right framework to inform decision-making and align your team.

All this enables your team to efficiently diagnose marketing challenges, align and prioritise initiatives, build in the real world, and drive continuous innovation.

AoM™ Mindset Principles

AoM's Mindset articulates the non-negotiable principles required to build a culture of company-wide collaboration, innovation, and customer-centricity. The intention is to break down silos to make customer value creation and creativity a collective responsibility.

If you nod along as you read these principles, then we’re confident AoM™ is for you.

  • Principle 1 emphasises that a brand is the sum of all experiences. It's not merely about what you put out, but rather the meaning that people take from it. This responsibility extends across all touch-points and involves everyone.

  • Principle 2 underscores the importance of understanding the interconnectedness throughout an organisation, highlighting the need for a macro view to inform effective decision making. Much like a doctor must know the full anatomy, a builder relies on blueprints, or a general scrutinises a map to strategise in warfare.

  • Principle Three asserts that marketing should permeate every aspect of an organisation, transcending traditional departmental boundaries. It advocates for a shift from viewing marketing as a discrete function, housed within a specific team, to embracing it as an organisational ethos. This principle underlines the importance of every employee understanding their role in marketing and contributing to the brand's reputation. By fostering a culture where marketing is everyone's business, organisations can ensure a more cohesive and unified approach to delivering value to customers.

  • Principle 4 focuses on the importance of mastering marketing fundamentals as the basis for excellence. It challenges the notion of seeking short term tactics as shortcuts to success. Much like an athlete perfects basic techniques to excel, marketing brilliance is rooted in building on the fundamentals. This highlights the importance of setting long-term goals and consistently working towards them, opting for iterative evolution rather than reactionary revolution in strategy and execution.

  • Principle 5 emphasises that creativity and innovation should originate from the top. Leadership must not only value but also actively champion creative thinking to foster a culture of innovation. This principle posits that true organisational innovation springs from a leadership that encourages and practices creativity, ensuring that innovation is a result of deliberate strategy rather than occurring despite the existing leadership framework.

  • Principle 6 challenges the over-reliance on ROI and similar metrics that often foster short-term thinking and are used as tools for internal justification rather than strategic insights. This principle advocates for a broader view of metrics that align with long-term strategy and the realisation that significant marketing outcomes may take time to manifest in the market. By prioritising strategic alignment over immediate justification, organisations can pursue growth and innovation more effectively.

AoM™ supports cultures that deliver genuine customer value across all touch-points and builds brands with real competitive advantage.

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